
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I tried to photograph a Butterfly and a Bee while pulling out the weeds in the garden- Photo and Video

I tried to photograph a Butterfly while pulling out the weeds in the garden
I was working in the garden yesterday trying to pull out the weeds which were supposed to be done months back. But as I was busy with internal home duties I didn't get time to weed out. Anyway, while I was working I saw a Butterfly land on a flower next to me. I noticed it for some time feeding on the nectar of that pink flower and then realised that I've still not been successful in photographing a Butterfly. Forget a Butterfly- I've just never been able to capture any flying being whether a bird or insect at a good close up range!

The Butterfly and the Bee
So I got my camera and tried to photograph the flying insect. I clicked few shots thinking that they would be good. At that time a Bee also landed right next to the Butterfly and I captured them together, again smiling to myself and thinking 'another good shot'. After some time they flew away and I checked the images on the system. The images came out okay, not so great or too good, but just okay I can say. I can see both the Flower and the Butterfly but the frame was not as good as I expected. Of course I still can't make out the exact differences between a Butterfly and a Moth though.

Still, I feel happy that I atleast got these frames. Because this is the first time I was so close to getting these shots. Whenever I tried earlier, the Butterflies used to fly away from my presence but now I got something. So I'm pretty sure that very soon I'll be getting some better shots of a Butterfly.

Video of the Butterfly I photographed: